Nameshield renews its ISO 27001 certification on all its registrar activity

Nameshield renews its ISO 27001 certification

First French registrar certified ISO 27001 since 2017, for its activities of domain names portfolio, DNS and TLS/SSL certificates management, Nameshield is proud to announce the renewal of its ISO 27001 certification in February 2023.

What is the ISO 27001 certification?

ISO 27001 is an international standard that describes the requirements for the implementation of an Information Security Management System, intended to select the security measures to be implemented in order to ensure the protection of a company’s sensitive assets on a defined perimeter. In Nameshield’s case, this covers the entire registrar activity.

At a higher level, the ISO 27001 standard requires that the managers of the company are involved in the cyber defense. In parallel, a steering committee follows the implementation of the new measures respecting the standard.

Why the ISO 27001 certification?

To be ISO 27001 certified is to guarantee to our clients and partners that the security of information systems is fully integrated in each of the services offered by Nameshield, that we are committed to a process of continuous improvement, requiring specific resources that we have chosen to deploy.

The ISO 27001 certification also confirms the competence of Nameshield’s employees and their expertise in protecting critical information.

What this ISO 27001 certification guarantees

The ISO 27001 certification, delivered by LRQA, the World Leader of the certification of value added Management systems, ensures:

  • The involvement of all Nameshield’s employees in the continuous improvement of our security arrangements;
  • An answer to our security goals and those of our clients through an annual analysis of the risks and their processing, according to the Ebios method;
  • The deployment of more secure products and services, with higher added values, that better meet our clients’ expectations;   
  • Our mobilization in case of incidents and our ability to always do better by analyzing the processing of each alert;
  • The continuity of our activities, whatever the threats, by ensuring our remote activities (backup site, telecommuting, redundant servers…).

The renewal of this ISO 27001 certification confirms Nameshield’s determination to offer the best services to its clients under conditions of optimal security.

Nameshield will be present at the Brand Protection Congress – On October the 19th and 20th, 2022 in Nice

Nameshield will be present at the Brand Protection Congress

The global outbreak of COVID-19 has given cybercriminals the opportunity to take advantage of the situation to sell counterfeit products. Protecting the organization’s intellectual property and consumers’ trust is now more important than ever.

The Brand Protection Congress is a high-class brand protection event which aims to allow brand owners to discuss the industry challenges they are facing and their potential solutions.

This 7th edition will take place in Nice, at the Hotel Le Negresco, on October the 19th and 20th. The topics range from the various online anti-counterfeiting tools, the latest technological developments, the liability of intermediaries, and the various methods that brands have adopted to protect their rights.

Meet us at the event, booth n°8.

With nearly 30 years of experience in online brands protection, Nameshield assists brands in order to protect, monitor and defend their digital territories.

Nameshield has developed effective and relevant tools, associated with an expert consulting offer allowing brands to preserve their integrity and assert their rights.

Meet our experts and discover our full range of monitoring and services:

  • Domain names monitoring (new registrations / content / whois etc.)
  • Web and social networks monitoring
  • Trademark and domain names portfolio audit
  • Remediation solutions, recovery procedures and acquisition by our in-house legal department.

For more information and to register, please visit the event’s website:

New document : 5 minutes to understand monitoring solutions

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Monitoring solutions - Nameshield

A domain name is not static, it evolves. It can be inactive, associated to a website, to a messaging service. The website can be operated, deactivated or its content can change. So many constant modifications that require a particular follow-up in the form of monitoring of domain names that may infringe your brand.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, the different monitoring solutions that provide you with information to protect your domain names and brands from possible infringements.

Nameshield renews its ISO 27001 certification

ISO 27001 - Nameshield renews its ISO 27001 certification

Nameshield Group is an expert in domain names, DNS, TLS/SSL certificates management.

Through our experience gained from world-renowned customers with ever-increasing security requirements, we have also become technical experts in Information security. That is why we have implemented an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

In 2017, we obtained the ISO 27001 certification of this ISMS for our activities of domain names portfolio, DNS and TLS/SSL certificates management. Nameshield Group has thus become the sole French registrar ensuring such a level of security for its customers.

Since then, our employees involved in the ISMS continuously contribute to the constant improvement of our security arrangements.

An analysis of the risks and their processing, according to the Ebios method, answer to our security goals and those of our clients.

We permanently adapt to security, performance and sustainability needs. It results in the deployment of more secure products and services, with higher added values, that meet our clients’ expectations more and better.

We know how to mobilize ourselves in case of incidents and learn to always do better by analyzing the processing of each alert.

We have and control a business continuity plan. Therefore, we are able to carry out our activities remotely (backup site, telecommuting, redundant servers…), whatever the threats.

Information security is the DNA of Nameshield Group and all its employees.

Logically, our ISO 27001 certificate has been renewed for 3 years in last February without any non-compliance nor comments being notified.

This international recognition ensures you:

  • An availability rate (domain names management platform and DNS Premium)
  • Tests implementation allowing us to permanently review ourselves and anticipate incidents
  • The raising awareness of all Nameshield employees to all Information security aspects
  • The reliability and performance of our system
  • The study of our experience feedbacks to continuously improve our security and thus yours

FIC 2020 – Nameshield’s DNS Premium labelled France Cybersecurity once again

During the 12th edition of the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC), the major event in terms of cybersecurity and digital confidence, which currently takes place from January 28 to 30 in Lille, Nameshield was given once again the France Cybersecurity Label for its DNS Premium solution.

Nameshield’s DNS Premium labelled France Cybersecurity
8th Edition of the France Cybersecurity Labels ceremony, January 29, 2020

Nameshield’s DNS Premium labelled France Cybersecurity

The DNS is at the heart of companies’ critical services: Internet, email, applications…

Exposed more and more frequently to attacks, like DDoS, Man in the Middle… it must remain available.

The Nameshield’s DNS Premium is the solution which meets DNS protection needs with a redundant, ultra-secure infrastructure with all the key DNS services (anycast, DDoS protection, DNSSEC, statistics…).

The DNS Premium solution labelled France Cybersecurity, thus allows its users to protect their digital assets from any attack and ensures a high availability of their Internet services.

France Cybersecurity Label, the guarantee of a certain level of quality in terms of cybersecurity

Nameshield’s DNS Premium labelled France Cybersecurity

For reminder, the France Cybersecurity label is the guarantee for users that the Nameshield’s products and services are French and possess clear and well defined functionalities, with a certain level of quality in terms of cybersecurity, verified by an independent jury.

It answers to several needs and objectives:

  • Raise awareness among users and international ordering parties regarding the importance of the French origin of a Cybersecurity offer and its intrinsic qualities ;
  • Certify to users and ordering parties the quality and functionalities of labelled products and services ;
  • Promote French cybersecurity solutions and increase their international visibility ;
  • Certify to users and ordering parties the quality and functionalities of labelled products and services ;
  • Increase their overall use and the users’ security level.

This label is governed by a committee composed of representatives gathered in 3 colleges:

  • College of officials: representatives from the “Direction Générale de l’Armement” (DGA, the French Government Defense procurement and technology agency), the “Direction Générale des Entreprises” (DGE, the French Directorate General for Enterprise within the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital), and the “Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information” (ANSSI, the French National Cybersecurity Agency).
  • College of industrials: representatives from the “Alliance pour la Confiance Numérique” (ACN – Alliance for digital confidence) and HEXATRUST.
  • College of users: representatives from groups of users, such as: CIGREF, GITSIS, CESIN, CLUSIF ISSM space.

Nameshield, a 100% French company, certified ISO 27001 on all its registrar activity, was able to bring all the necessary guarantees to obtain the France Cybersecurity Label for its offer, the DNS Premium and illustrates its engagement to always provide the best services and standards regarding cybersecurity.

For more information on our labelled solution DNS Premium, please visit Nameshield’s website.

The Nameshield SSL interface has had a complete makeover

The Nameshield SSL interface has had a complete makeover

More user-friendly, more comprehensive, more attractive… our brand new and improved Nameshield SSL interface is being launched on Thursday, June 13th allowing you to manage all of your certificates.

You will now have access to key metrics on your certificate portfolio, to different certificate lookup views (such as complete portfolio, detailed overview, certificates nearing expiry, pending orders, expired or revoked certificates), to an Organization and Contact management tool and a redesigned ordering system.

Lastly, a decision support tool has been included in the interface to help you choose the certificate that’s right for your needs.

The certificate range has been updated to cover all types of certificates, SSL, RGS, Code Signing, Individual certificates and with all levels of authentication.

The SSL team remains at your disposal for a demonstration and a complete user guide is available covering all possible operations and actions.

Contact us directly at