New document: 5 minutes to understand Phishing as a Service (PhaaS)

5 minutes to understand Phishing as a Service (PhaaS)

Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) is a fast-growing phenomenon in the cyberthreats world, getting armed with tools that make it more and more prosperous.

It has opened up the online fraud market to the masses, to the point that phishing attempts have become a daily plague.

Find in this new “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, how phishing is now sold in ready-to-use kit and how to protect against it.

New document : 5 minutes to understand monitoring solutions

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Monitoring solutions - Nameshield

A domain name is not static, it evolves. It can be inactive, associated to a website, to a messaging service. The website can be operated, deactivated or its content can change. So many constant modifications that require a particular follow-up in the form of monitoring of domain names that may infringe your brand.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, the different monitoring solutions that provide you with information to protect your domain names and brands from possible infringements.

New document : 5 minutes to understand DNS cache poisoning

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - DNS cache poisoning - Nameshield

The DNS (Domain Name System) is a key service of the Internet. It is a giant, hierarchical and distributed directory that associates IP addresses with domain names that are easier to identify, remember and transmit. It is the cornerstone of the Internet, whose infrastructure has flaws by its very conception, making it an ideal target for attacks.

On one hand, the DNS service is based on the authoritative DNS, which holds the information, and on the other hand, the resolver DNS, which carries out the resolution for the web users.
The DNS cache poisoning attack targets resolver DNS.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, what is this DNS cache poisoning attack and how to protect against it.

New document : 5 minutes to understand who manages the Internet

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Who manages the Internet - Nameshield

There is a multitude of players involved in the management of the network of networks !
Its management is the responsibility of a decentralized and international multiparty network of independent groups from civil society, private sector, governments, academic and scientific communities, and national and international organizations.

Find out in this “5 minutes to understand document”, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, who manages the Internet, what are the roles of ICANN, registries and registrars.

New document : 5 minutes to understand the DNS resolution of domain names

5 minutes to understand - DNS resolution of domain names - Nameshield

Human beings have a very bad memory for number sequences. However, computers and servers communicate with each other by identifying themselves through an IP address, which is a sequence of numbers or a mix of numbers that is very complex to memorize and differentiate.

To help people communicate over networks, the Domain Names System (DNS) was invented. This service is a giant Internet directory, hierarchical and distributed worldwide, which associates domain names with IP addresses.

When a web user enters a domain name in his browser, it queries a DNS server which will look for the answer to this humanly understandable address, most often an IP address, leading to the right website, computer or network. This query process is called “DNS resolution“.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, how the DNS resolution works.

New document available on the Nameshield’s website: “5 minutes to understand – Abusive domain names registrations

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Nameshield

The digital world is in perpetual evolution and every days, new domain names are registered around the world.

Among these new registrations, some can potentially affect your notoriety, your activity, and your results. Fraudsters, through these abusive domain names registrations, seek to benefit from your notoriety as quickly as possible.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, the different practices of abusive domain names registrations that can affect your brand and the actions to take depending on the infringement caused to the brand.

New document available on the Nameshield’s website: “5 minutes to understand – Data theft of a website

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Cybersecurity - Data theft - Nameshield

Every day, new cyberattacks are threatening companies’ defense systems, and further weaken relations with web users, particularly on e-commerce websites. Identity theft and data theft have become common.

The risks of a malicious person intercepting the data transmitted by the web user on your website and more generally all the information transmitted between the browser and the server of your website ,are increasing significantly.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, the solution to implement against these risks.

New document available on the Nameshield’s website: “5 minutes to understand – Domain names: which procedure?

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Procedure - Nameshield

Names’ holders must protect their brands and domain names against fraud and abuse just as they would protect any other valuable asset. The infringement of your domain name weakens the strength of your brand.

If, despite defensive registrations, which are a first line of defense, you find out that a third party has registered a disputed domain name, procedures exist to stop the infringement of your trademark and stop the damage.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, these different dispute resolution procedures related to domain names.

New document available on the Nameshield’s website: “5 minutes to understand – The lifespan of a domain name”

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Nameshield

You are not, strictly speaking, the owner of a domain name, you simply have a right to use it, which translates into an annual fee that can be renewed indefinitely or terminated in case of infringement. As soon as you no longer pay the annual fee required to maintain it, and therefore its renewal, the domain name will expire and fall back into the public domain.

However, this deletion is not automatic, because the day after its expiry period, the domain name will go through 3 successive phases before falling back into the public domain.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, the different phases in the life of a domain name.

New document available on the Nameshield’s website: “5 minutes to understand – The protection of your domain names”

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Nameshield

Domain name is the first link between the web user and your website. It is thanks to the domain name that you are found on the Internet, that you are visible, that your identity is displayed and that you develop your business on the net. It is a digital asset of your business.

The management and configuration of these domain names usually requires access to a management interface. The absence of a security policy can be dramatic.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, practical solutions to secure your access.