New document available on the Nameshield’s website: “5 minutes to understand – SEO of domain names”

5 minutes to understand -SEO of Domain names - Nameshield

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of techniques aimed at optimizing the visibility of a web page in the search results.

For your positioning in search engines and for your communication, the domain name is of significant importance.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, the good practices to optimize your referencing on search engines.

New document available on the Nameshield’s website: “5 minutes to understand – Operations on domain names”

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Nameshield

Domain names are subject to various operations. The modalities for these operations may vary according to the extensions and the rules set up by the registries.

Find in this “5 minutes to understand” document, available for download on the Nameshield’s website, the different operations on domain names.

New document available on Nameshield’s website: ” 5 minutes to understand – Register a domain name “

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Nameshield

The domain name is the first link between the web user and your website. It is thanks to the domain name that you are found on the Internet, that you are visible, that your identity is displayed and that you develop your business on the net. It is a digital asset of your business.

The more meaningful this name is, the more likely it is to position you effectively on the web, and to best represent your identity.

Discover the right questions to ask yourself before registering a domain name and the registration rules in this new “5 minutes to understand” document to download on the Nameshield’s website.

New resources available on the Nameshield’s website: The “5 minutes to understand” documents

5 minutes to understand - Domain names - Nameshield

Nameshield offers you new resources that will be regularly published and available for download on the Nameshield’s website: the “5 minutes to understand” documents.

Quick and easy to read documents to understand the basics of domain names in just a few minutes.

Discover now the first document “5 minutes to understand – The reading a domain name“: