.TR: Extended priority period for the .TR extension in category 3

.TR Extended priority period

On February 14, we announced the opening of .TR registrations in category 3. This period was initially open until May 14, 2024.

TRABİS recently announced that this priority period for the “.TR” (category3) application for domains holders will be extended until August 7, 2024.

You still have until August 2024 to apply for a .TR equivalent to your existing .COM.TR / .ORG.TR / .NET.TR domain names.

The .TR opening to all is therefore also postponed, and will be announced at a later date.

Do not hesitate to contact your consultants and account managers if you have not yet reviewed your domain names portfolio in Turkey.

Opening of the .TR. extension in CATEGORY 3

Opening date of Turkish extensions moved forward to September 14, 2022

In this article published on October 4, 2023, we announced that the opening of the .TR extension in CATEGORY 3 will probably be in February.

Applications for the 3rd Category, where transactions will be carried out within the scope of the “a.tr Transition Process”, start on February 14, 2024.

In this category, holders of one of the following extensions: kep.tr, av.tr, dr.tr, com.tr, org.tr, net.tr, gen.tr, web.tr, name.tr, info.tr, tv.tr, bbs.tr and tel.tr will be given priority for .TR registration.

Following the application process, which starts on February 14, 2024 and will last for 3 months, it is expected that the evaluation process will be completed and the allocation procedures will be completed within 1 month (14-May-14 June 2024).

The date of your application between 14 February and 14 May 2024 is not important in the evaluation process. If the necessary conditions are met, the evaluation will be made taking into account the extension hierarchy.

Valentine’s Day is a wonderful day to make an analysis of your Turkish domain names portfolio!

Do not hesitate to contact our teams to secure your .TR!

News from Turkey! Liberalization of the .TR

Changes in the administration of Turkish extensions

Domain names in Turkey have undergone a major process of change and development in recent years. Last year, we announced the liberalization of domain names under the com.tr, net.tr and org.tr extensions.

It’s now a project to open .TR live. The allocation of .TR will be carried out according to a defined schedule with categories under a process called “a.tr Transition Process“:

BTK announces the opening according to these 3 categories:

CATEGORY 1: since 14/09/2023 for a period of 2 months (end of period November 2023):

In this category, priority is given to holders of domain names with the extensions .gov.tr, .edu.tr, .tsk.tr, .bel.tr, .pol.tr and .k12.tr respectively.

For example, for the domain name turkiye.tr, the holder of the domain name turkiye.gov.tr has the right of priority allocation.

CATEGORY 2: from November 2023 to February 2024

In this category, priority will be given to holders of domain names with the “org.tr” extension assigned before 25.08.2023.

The category will be given priority to the following institutions (holder of .org.tr):

  • Professional organizations that are public institutions,
  • Public interest associations and foundations benefiting from tax exemption,
  • Professional organizations of employees or employers.

CATEGORY 3: the date has not yet been announced, but we can deduce that it will be from February 2024.

In this category, holders of domain names under these extensions will have priority: .com.tr, .net.tr, .gen.tr, .web.tr, .info.tr. For this last category, the rules have not yet been defined.

We will keep a close eye on future announcements of the registry and will keep you informed as soon as we have more precise dates for the last category. Please note that the dates of the different periods can be modified if necessary.

Don’t hesitate to prepare your orders and contact your consultants and account managers to review your domain names portfolio in Turkey.

.MY : Relaxation of registration rules for .MY domain names

.MY domain names

Due to the strict allocation criteria, connecting a .MY domain name for a company not located in Malaysia was difficult.

MYNIC, the Malaysian registry, wanted to make significant changes for 2023 in order to globalize its .MY domain names.

The registry has therefore decided to remove local presence restrictions on .MY.

This change means that anyone can register a .MY domain name on a “first-come, first-served” basis.

It means that it’s now possible to register a .MY domain name in the name of a European company and no priority phase has been planned.

Please note that it does not apply to the .COM.MY extension, which stays limited to Malaysian entities.

Do not hesitate to contact our teams to secure your .MY domain.

Image source : Pexels via Pixabay

Opening date of Turkish extensions moved forward to September 14, 2022

Opening date of Turkish extensions moved forward to September 14, 2022

In an article of August 16, we announced the activation of TRABIS on September, the 29th. This opening date has been updated to September, the 14th.

The system of paperless allocation on the following extensions: .COM.TR, .NET.TR, .ORG.TR is now activated!

In anticipation, do not hesitate to protect your domain names before this future opening by contacting your consultants and account managers.

Image source : smuldur via Pixabay

You still have until September, the 20th to register your .AU domain name identical to your .COM.AU!

.AU domain names

The priority allocation period for .AU direct closes on 20 September 2022. If you hold a domain name in any other .au namespace (eg. com.au, org.au, id.au etc.), created prior to 24 March 2022, you are able to apply for Priority Status to register its exact match in .au direct until this date.

Domains on priority hold will be released on Monday 3 October 2022.

To be eligible to register a domain name in .au direct (forexample.au), the registrant must have an Australian presence as defined in licensing rules of AUDA.

For foreign companies, this means they must have a trademark registered with IP Australia, and the domain name must be an exact match of the trademark.

If the launch of .AU direct represents an opportunity for companies wishing to gain visibility on the Australian Web, it also constitutes a risk for trademark holders in case of reservation of domain names identical to their trademarks from a third party (whether it is a cybersquatter with the opportunity to register with a connection to Australia or a homonymous rights holder).

For any information, don’t hesitate to contact your Nameshield’s expert.

Image source: kitkatty007 via Pixabay

Upcoming liberalization of Turkish extensions

Upcoming liberalization of Turkish extensions

We announced recently that the administration of extensions in Turkey was changing and was entrusted to TRABIS and that the liberalization of .com.tr, .net.tr and .org.tr was imminent.

The starting date of the system called TRABIS (.tr Network Information System), which covers the management and operation of the system and database of domain names in Turkey, was announced at the meeting organized by BTK on 22/07/2022.

It is confirmed, TRABIS will be launched on September, the 29th 2022.

We can expect to see the date of liberalization of the Turkish extensions: .com.tr, .org.tr and .net.tr to be specified in the following days.

At the moment, it is still necessary to send documents to register your domain names in Turkey, and this until September, the 29th 2022.

In anticipation, do not hesitate to protect your domain names before this future opening by contacting your consultants and account managers.

Image source : adrimarie via Pixabay

Opening of .TZ registrations

Opening of .TZ registrations

Since March 1st 2022, the Tanzanian registry allows the registration of .TZ.

A first phase of 3 months (until 31/05/2022) will allow the registration to the holders of .CO.TZ registered before 01/03/2022.

From 01/06/2022, it will be possible to register .TZ domain names equivalent to domain names recently registered in .CO.TZ (.co.tz registered after 01/03/2022).

A general opening is planned for July 1, 2022.

The Nameshield team is at your disposal for any questions.

Launch of .AU registrations on 24/03/2022 – Reminder

Launch of .AU registrations on 24/03/2022 – Reminder

The opening date for the registration of .AU domain names is announced on 24/03/2022.

As a reminder, during the first six months, the implemented priority allocation process will offer you the opportunity:

  • To request an exact match for your existing domain names (.com.au / .net.au / .org.au etc) in .AU ;
  • To register “new” domain names directly in .AU (domain names that would not exist in other extensions such as .com.au, .net.au, .org.au etc.).

Please note: your existing domain names will continue to operate normally and in accordance with the auDA registry policy, regardless of a .AU registration.

The Nameshield team is at your disposal for any questions.

Image source : kitkatty007 via Pixabay

Changes in the administration of Turkish extensions

Changes in the administration of Turkish extensions

It is a new change that has been in preparation for a few years in the digital world of Turkey.

Indeed, the administration of extensions in Turkey (.com.tr, .net.tr and .org.tr…) has been entrusted to .TR Network Information Systems (“TRABİS”) which will be incorporated under the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (“BTK”).

With TRABIS, changes will therefore occur in the process of assigning domain names.

The allocation of domain names under the extensions com.tr, net.tr and org.tr, under this new system will be liberalized and will answer to the principle of “first come, first served” (without required supporting documents).

As a reminder, under the management of NIC.TR, it was necessary to justify a trademark or the name of the company with an official document to register a .com.tr (the most used extension).

It will be easier to register a domain name in Turkey in a few weeks.

This change of rules was initially planned for January 2022 but has not happened yet.

BTK will announce soon the official dates and we hope to be able to confirm this liberalization of .com.tr, .net.tr and .org.tr during February 2022.

Do not hesitate to prepare your orders and contact your consultants and account managers to check your .com.tr domain names portfolio.

Image source : RiZeLLi via Pixabay