Managed by AFNIC (acronym for Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération – French Association for Cooperative Internet Naming, the French Network Information Center), the favorite extension of the French people has reached 4 million registered domain names!
Every week, between 12,000 and 16,000 new .FR domain names are registered. The .FR has become a reference domain, with a market share in France of nearly 40%, which has been growing for several years, particularly thanks to the digital transformation of French VSEs/SMEs. Thus, more than 50% of them have chosen a .FR domain name for their website.
Easy to register and inexpensive, this extension is synonym of trust and recognized for its reliability, with 87% of French people trusting it! For more information and to register your domain name in .FR, do not hesitate to contact a Nameshield consultant.
Image source : site de l’AFNIC