“Win an airline ticket with a value of 500€” or other online scams attempt

Recently, many frauds campaigns offering free Nike shoes here and IKEA vouchers of 500€ there have been going on. Last case in date, a fraudulent e-mails campaign announcing the winning of airline tickets with a nice value of 500€, graciously offered to the winners of a supposed contest proposed by Air France airline company. This scam has circulated around France and was shared on social networks, by e-mails and even relayed on WhatsApp.

A misleading typography: typosquatting

If we look at the e-mail in question, the link www.airfrạnce.com, inserted in the message, seemed to correspond to the official website address of Air France. Except for one little detail… The “a” of France is not a “a” of Latin alphabet but the “ạ” of Vietnamese alphabet. A single dot close then! Amazing case of typosquatting, a practice misleading web users by replacing, adding or deleting a letter in a domain name with the famous brand. Without enough vigilance, web users while thinking they are on a trusted website, could click on the link and find themselves redirected towards a page totally independent of the official website of the brand. On this page, a form to fill with their precious personal data in order to have a chance to win free tickets in this case. A confirmed scam.

The aim of these phishing and frauds campaigns is to collect as many personal information as possible. In other words, the identity thieves, the source of this kind of online attacks seek to obtain the e-mail, phone number and all interesting data of the tricked Internet user.

It was after the alert by Zataz website was sent, that Air France confirmed that it was indeed a fraud. It also encouraged web users to not consider this kind of message. It is also important to specify that the official website of the airline company is secured and authenticated by an SSL certificate, the browsers displaying the https://www.airfrance.fr

What to do in front of these attacks and how to prevent them

The first reaction to adopt is wariness on the user’s side. The more the offer and the benefit are attractive, the more cautious you should be. Don’t communicate your personal data via a form or by return of mail without checking beforehand the request’s authenticity.

Always check the final URL of the page on which you are redirected, be attentive to the typography. Generally, only the information on site are official. An SSL certificate presence and the proprietary data displaying are also good indicators.

On the brands owners’ side, a naming and defensive registration strategy allows to best protect its users. The efficient monitoring implementation will also allow to detect phishing attempts as soon as possible and to take action early in order to stop them.

FIC 2018: Nameshield’s DNS Premium solution labelled France Cybersecurity

FIC 2018: Nameshield’s DNS Premium solution labelled France CybersecurityThese 23 and 24 January, has taken place in Lille, the 10th edition of the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC). With 7000 participants, 240 partners and 60 represented nationalities, it is a major event in terms of cybersecurity and digital confidence, gathering all the actors in France and in Europe.

On this occasion, and for its first participation as a partner, Nameshield was given the France Cybersecurity label for its DNS Premium solution.

FIC 2018: Nameshield’s DNS Premium solution labelled France Cybersecurity
France Cybersecurity Label given by Mounir Mahjoubi, Secretary of State for Digital

The Nameshield’s labelled DNS Premium solution

The DNS is a well-known attack vector: DDoS, spoofing, Man in the Middle. The attacks are various and sophisticated. In front of the magnitude of these threats, maintaining its DNS infrastructure is complex.

Reliable and strong, the Nameshield’s highly secured DNS Premium is a DNS solution high availability, anycast and offers expert functionalities (anti-DDoS filter – Failover – GeoIP – DNSSEC – detailed statistics – etc.).

This solution labelled France Cybersecurity, thus allows to its users to protect their digital assets from any attack and ensures a high availability of their Internet services.

What is the France Cybersecurity label?

FIC 2018: Nameshield’s DNS Premium solution labelled France CybersecurityThe France Cybersecurity label is the guarantee for users that the Nameshield’s products and services are French and possess clear and well defined functionalities, with a certain level of quality in terms of cybersecurity, verified by an independent jury.

The France Cybersecurity Label answers to several needs and objectives:

  • Raise awareness among users and international ordering parties regarding the importance of the French origin of a Cybersecurity offer and its intrinsic qualities
  • Certify to users and ordering parties the quality and functionalities of labelled products and services
  • Promote French cybersecurity solutions and increase their international visibility
  • Certify to users and ordering parties the quality and functionalities of labelled products and services
  • Increase their overall use and the users’ security level

This label is governed by a committee composed of representatives gathered in 3 colleges:

  • College of officials: representatives from the Direction générale de l’armement (DGA, the French Government Defense procurement and technology agency), the Direction générale des entreprises (DGE, the French Directorate General for Enterprise within the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Digital), and the Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI, the French National Cybersecurity Agency).
  • College of users: representatives from groups of users, such as: CIGREF, GITSIS, CESIN, CLUSIF ISSM space.
  • College of industrials: representatives from the “Alliance pour la Confiance Numérique” (ACN – Alliance for digital confidence) and HEXATRUST.

Nameshield certified ISO 27001 on all its registrar activity, was able to bring all the necessary guarantees to obtain the France Cybersecurity Label for its domain names securing offer, the DNS Premium and as highlighted by Gérard Gourjon, Nameshield’s Deputy Director-General: “Obtaining the France Cybersecurity Label illustrates our engagement to provide the best services and standards regarding cybersecurity to our customers. At Nameshield, we are proud to see our highly efficient and highly secured DNS infrastructure being labelled.”

For more information on our labelled solution DNS Premium: https://www.nameshield.com/en/cybersecurity/dns-premium/

For more information on the France Cybersecurity Label: https://www.francecybersecurity.fr/en/

The acquisition of Rightside Group by Donuts becomes a reality

new gTLDs - The acquisition of Rightside Group by Donuts

It’s at mid-July that ICANN has given its consent regarding the merge of Rightside Group, the registry behind the 40 new gTLDs (.ATTORNEY, .NINJA, .PUB, .DENTIST, .NEWS, .ROCKS, .LIVE, etc.) and the other well-known registry in the new gTLDs’ world, Donuts Inc (more than 200 TLDs: .LIFE, .LOANS, .MEDIA, .SOLUTIONS, .WORLD, etc.).

Donuts will then acquire Rightside at the price of 10.60$ per action, in the context of a takeover offer, i.e. an operation of approximatively 213 million in total.

Donuts, already largely dominant with its hundred extensions, continues to reinforce its position and benefits from difficulties faced by some registries suffering from deficit of commercial success.

This new operation highlights a fact: many new extensions didn’t obtain the expected enthusiasm and the registries which created them are in difficulties.

Are we heading slowly but surely towards a retrieval by Donuts of unsuccessful registries seeking to limit the losses?


Nameshield: The first French registrar certified ISO 27001 on all its registrar activity

Nameshield's ISO 27001 certification



Nameshield is proud to announce its ISO 27001 certification on all its registrar activity, the product of many months of work.

Why the ISO 27001 certification?

Since its creation, 23 years ago, Nameshield has taken to heart to provide to its customers the best services under conditions of optimal security. By choosing the ISO 27001 standard, this constant care given to all our services is now certified by a competent authority.

The impressive rise of the occurrence and the force of the cybercriminal attacks has comforted the founder and CEO of Nameshield, Jean-Paul Béchu, in his determination to propose to all our users an ISO 27001 certification on all our registrar activity.

Today, it’s frequent that cybercriminals attack services providers in order to reach indirectly their final targets. And if our Security Officer of Information System monitored already the security of our infrastructure, the ISO 27001 reinforces the requirements.

If Nameshield has engaged in this process, the result of an important investment, human and financial, it’s because it’s essential for us to demonstrate and certify the dimension of our engagement in term of security.

To be certified ISO 27001 is to ensure our customers and partners that the security of the Information systems is completely integrated and that Nameshield is committed to a process of constant improvement requiring specific resources, which we have chosen to deploy.

The certification confirms the competence of Nameshield’s employees and their expertise in the protection of critical information.


What is the ISO 27001 certification?

ISO 27001 is an international standard which describes the requirements for the establishment of an Information security Management System. This one is intended to choose the security measures to set up in order to ensure the protection of sensitive goods of a company on a defined perimeter. In the case of Nameshield, it covers all of its registrar activity.

At a higher level, the ISO 27001 standard requires that the managers of the company are involved in the cyber defense. In parallel, a steering committee follows the implementation of the new arrangements respecting the standard.

An audit carried out by LRQA, the World Leader of the certification of value added Management systems, allows us to deploy our security measures and to become the first French registration office to be certified on the complete perimeter of its registrar activity.

Nameshield, your trusted partner.