New launching dates for the .GAY

The launch of .GAY - New gTLDs - Nameshield Blog
Image source : Top Level Design website

In our article of January 24, 2020, we announced the launch of the .GAY by the TOP LEVEL DESIGN registry. This extension is intended for individuals, organizations, businesses supporting the LGBTQ community. It will increase their visibility and create a safe online space.

Originally scheduled for May 20, the date of general availability has been postponed to September 16, 2020.

Currently in Sunrise II Phase, here are the new launching dates:

  • Second Sunrise phase (period opened to any trademark holder, Sunrise I was restricted to holders of trademarks registered with the TMCH): until 04/09/2020
  • EAP (Early Access Period): from 08/09/2020 to 15/09/2020
  • General availability: from 16/09/2020

Find more information about this new extension .GAY in our previous article of January 24.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact a Nameshield consultant.

The launch of .GAY is close

The launch of .GAY - New gTLDs - dotgay - Nameshield Blog
Image source : Top Level Design website

On June 1970, one year after the Stonewall Riots, which marked the birth of the LGBTQ rights movements, the first Gay Pride parades took place in many US cities to claim liberty, equality and denounce prejudice, persecution, bigotry and hate.

Fifty years later, with the launch of the new extension .GAY by the registry TOP LEVEL DESIGN, a new digital space is created for the LGBTQ community. This extension is thus intended for individuals, organizations, businesses supporting the LGBTQ community. It will increase their visibility and create a safe online space.

The launch of .GAY will follow the calendar below.

.GAY Launching Calendar

  • Sunrise period: from 10/02/2020 to 06/05/2020
  • EAP (Early Access Period): from 11/05/2020 to 18/05/2020
  • General availability: from 20/05/2020

.GAY donations to LGBTQ nonprofit organizations

Note that for each new domain name registered, the .GAY donates 20% of registration revenue to LGBTQ nonprofit organizations like GLAAD and CenterLink which are currently the inaugural beneficiaries.

A .GAY domain name registration will become a way to express support to the LGBTQ community.

.GAY rights protections policy

The .GAY will give the possibility to create a safer space online for LGBTQ community. Indeed, the extension will be subject to a .GAY rights protections policy, which will allow to report any content that is harmful or harassing LGBTQ people, and to act against them by removing the content or suspending the site itself.

The use of .gay for anti-LGBTQ content or to malign or harm LGBTQ individuals or groups is strictly prohibited and can result in immediate server-hold. Prohibited behavior includes harassment, threats, and hate speech” highlights the registry.

.GAY domain name registrations will be prohibited to parties that are, or are associated with, recognized hate groups inciting violence against the LGBTQ community.

For more information on the conditions for registration of your .GAY, don’t hesitate to contact a Nameshield’s consultant.