Nameshield: The first French registrar certified ISO 27001 on all its registrar activity

Nameshield's ISO 27001 certification



Nameshield is proud to announce its ISO 27001 certification on all its registrar activity, the product of many months of work.

Why the ISO 27001 certification?

Since its creation, 23 years ago, Nameshield has taken to heart to provide to its customers the best services under conditions of optimal security. By choosing the ISO 27001 standard, this constant care given to all our services is now certified by a competent authority.

The impressive rise of the occurrence and the force of the cybercriminal attacks has comforted the founder and CEO of Nameshield, Jean-Paul Béchu, in his determination to propose to all our users an ISO 27001 certification on all our registrar activity.

Today, it’s frequent that cybercriminals attack services providers in order to reach indirectly their final targets. And if our Security Officer of Information System monitored already the security of our infrastructure, the ISO 27001 reinforces the requirements.

If Nameshield has engaged in this process, the result of an important investment, human and financial, it’s because it’s essential for us to demonstrate and certify the dimension of our engagement in term of security.

To be certified ISO 27001 is to ensure our customers and partners that the security of the Information systems is completely integrated and that Nameshield is committed to a process of constant improvement requiring specific resources, which we have chosen to deploy.

The certification confirms the competence of Nameshield’s employees and their expertise in the protection of critical information.


What is the ISO 27001 certification?

ISO 27001 is an international standard which describes the requirements for the establishment of an Information security Management System. This one is intended to choose the security measures to set up in order to ensure the protection of sensitive goods of a company on a defined perimeter. In the case of Nameshield, it covers all of its registrar activity.

At a higher level, the ISO 27001 standard requires that the managers of the company are involved in the cyber defense. In parallel, a steering committee follows the implementation of the new arrangements respecting the standard.

An audit carried out by LRQA, the World Leader of the certification of value added Management systems, allows us to deploy our security measures and to become the first French registration office to be certified on the complete perimeter of its registrar activity.

Nameshield, your trusted partner.


Cyber-blurring: the strategy used by Macron’s digital team to face cyberattacks

Cyber-blurring - the strategy used by Macron’s digital team
Photo :


May the 5th , 2017, two hours before the end of 2017 presidential campaign, thousands of documents owned by the campaign team of the candidate Emmanuel Macron have been leaked and have been made public on American forum 4Chan, relayed by Wikileaks. Social media have played an important role in the attack and content diffusion: internal discussion of the political party, briefing notes, pictures, bills, accounting, which represent 9 gigaoctets of hacked data.

Since the beginning of the presidential campaign, it wasn’t the first attack faced by the team of En Marche’s candidate.  Alerted of a potential attack a long time ago, they have set up a cyber-blurring strategy to defend themselves. This method creates dozens of false documents (false emails, false passwords, false accounts) trying to slow down hackers’ work. This strategy is often used in the banking field to protect their customers. (This diversion method is also called digital blurring.)


L'Express Twitter account - Cyber-blurring: the strategy used by Macron’s digital team to face cyberattacks
L’Express Twitter account


Even if Mounir Mahjoubi, digital director of the En Marche campaign, thinks to have slowed down the hackers’ job with this cyber-blurring method, despite these measures, the attack was not avoided.

The hackers didn’t ask for money in exchange of the documents publishing. These documents which are not compromising for the Emmanuel Macron’s team, were not monetizable because the hackers would have to sort out 9 gigaoctets of data in a few period of time.

Consequences are few on the presidential campaign and the En Marche staff was not really affected. This counterattack was well implemented.

The hackers who were against Macron, didn’t have the success desired. Nevertheless, this failure will get them to become smarter, more ingenious, less visible and better prepared for a next attack.

To be continued.

Connected objects: unavoidable in DDoS attacks?

IoT- DDoS attacks


Nowadays consumers use and are around connected objects. The Internet of Things (IoT) includes all connected objects like a connected refrigerator, captor, light bulb, security camera, router or even a thermostat control. Their common point? To have an IP address and to be connected to communicate.

According to the American company Gartner, connected objects will reach 20.5 billion units by 2020. We will face an impressive growth of IoT in the years to come.

China, North America and West Europe will represent 67% of IoT in 2017.

However these connected objects are spreading frequently with security flaws, which is an opportunity for DDoS attacks!

Nowadays, Distributed Denial of Service (or DDoS) attacks are frequent. For hackers, it’s quite easy to set up attacks against an unprotected target. These attacks could lead to significant financial loss for companies by disruption of service (website or email) or indirectly, by the harm caused to the target’s image (bad buzz, bad reputation…).

With the arrival of connected objects, chances to be confronted to DDoS attacks are high.

These attacks are making a service unavailable by flooding the system with requests. With the help of digital and connected objects, hackers can send a massive number of requests on one or many DNS servers. They get to remotely control our objects because of their security flaws. If the DNS servers are not protected by a strong anti-DDoS filter, then they are under the risk of not absorbing the high number of requests and as a result, won’t respond to the user’s demands anymore.

In October 2016, DYN Company, DNS service supplier had been the victim of a DDoS attack by connected devices. DNS infrastructure services had been unavailable, which then impacted on their customers’ services: Twitter, Netflix, Spotify…

Many hours offline for these web pure players have a direct impact on sales revenue. DYN affirms that “Ten billion of IP addresses were touched” by this attack.

Last week, Melbourne IT Registrar was also a victim of a DDoS attack. Some of its customers were affected by this service disruption.

We might see more powerful attacks of this kind in 2017.

In the past, attacks were done by computers, today connected devices are a real weapon. Luckily those companies have affirmed wanting to reinforce security on their connected products.

DNS is an absolute priority. It’s essential to secure his strategic domain names by using highly secured DNS, so you can have a high permanent availability.

Nameshield offers a DNS Premium solution to gain performance and assure 100% availability.